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Oil pastel on paper. 1999. The universal sign. I'm sure most new parents are familiar with it.
Oil pastel on paper. 1999. Just a fond memory from highschool. Rich and I Used to always get gatorade after soccer practice in a little shop next to the playing fields. We sat in his little Subaru and finished the bottles before heading home.
Car Seat
2000. watercolor. I had just gotten a cool new set of watercolor pencils and was dying to try them out. I'm still not as comfortable with watercolor as I am with acryilc. I guess its harder to cover up mistakes. This is based on a fairly quick sketch of Devon, asleep in her carseat. It seems like they spend about half of the first year of their life strapped in.
Jen and Ermias
Acrylic on canvas, 2001. A good friend of mine since childhood, hopeless romantic and optimist. She went to Eretria with the peace corps, fell in love, and defied all odds by maintaining a long, long, long distance relationship. They stayed in touch by writing hundreds of letters over the years. He was commited to military service during their war with Ethiopia. They finally got married in December. Now that the war is over, we're hoping he can come over soon.
Pencil on paper, late 90s. One of my god-sisters/ extended family. It was a present for highschool or college graduation, I don't remember witch.
The Office
A quiet, sunny afternoon in 1992. A few weeks after Hy and I had met. I often met her and her friends at the office where she worked. A favorable opinion from them was one of the early rites of passage in our relationship. I think it went well. I was kind of nervous that afternoon. It was the first time a gave her a back rub.
Match Day
watercolor, 2000. Match Day is the unofficial end of medical school. Its the day when every medical student in the country finds out where he or she will be doing his/her residency. Somewhat nerve wracking. I made sure I started the day on a good foot by getting a bagel and lox in center city. I had baby duty with Devon that morning . The letter was good news.